Plantar Fasciitis

(402) 934-4220

Although the weight of the world may fall on the shoulders, the weight of the body rests on the feet. They are not just the brawn of the body. The feet are graceful and sophisticated and are home to more than 30 joints as well as over 25% of the body’s bones. Unfortunately, this complexity can often lead to problems. One such issue is known as plantar fasciitis and is a painful foot condition that affects around 10% of the population. Our plantar fasciitis chiropractor at Life Source Chiropractic wants to inform current and future patients about this condition and when to pursue care for this or other foot issues.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis occurs when the thick band of tissue that connects the base of the toes to the heel becomes painfully inflamed. This tissue is known as the plantar fascia and reinforces the sturdiness of the foot’s arch. It also aids in pushing the ball of the foot successfully into the ground. Walking and running are accomplished by the force of this pushing movement.

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Both walking and running can put strain on the plantar fascia, because they both involve pressing down on the ball of the foot during forward motion. Over time, this tissue can become aggravated from continual movement and can eventually lead to plantar fasciitis. Genetically determined or age-related changes can also make the plantar fascia less elastic, increasing the likelihood of developing this disorder.

Common Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

Considering the feet support the entire body, excess weight can increase the stress on the plantar fascia, which can increase the possibility of developing plantar fasciitis. Some people may notice the development of this condition following the start of a walking program. Although exercise helps people maintain or lose some weight, it can also place additional strain on the foot. 

Plantar fasciitis can likewise be affected by standing, walking, or running on hard surfaces as well as some shoe designs. The shape or structure of some feet can also increase the chance of developing this condition. In addition, certain diseases can cause it to flare up, including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

Heel pain is the leading symptom of plantar fasciitis. This pain can sometimes be the result of unexpected trauma, such as missing a step or jumping down a substantial distance, but the majority of plantar fasciitis begins subtly and gets worse over time. 

Other symptoms can include redness and swelling, a sore arch, stiffness on the bottom of the heel, and sharp pain when stepping out of bed in the morning or after a long period of rest. Sometimes the pain is also accompanied by a burning sensation.

A frustrating aspect of plantar fasciitis is that the pain can vary depending on the level of activity. Patients will often feel severe pain when they first get up in the morning, but the pain may diminish after a few hours. Regrettably, warming up isn’t a guarantee that pain will subside, because too much activity can actually make the pain worse. Going barefoot or wearing shoes with little or no support can also worsen plantar fasciitis pain.

How Chiropractic Works to Eliminate Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis treatment at Life Source Chiropractic concentrates on the elimination of pain and restoration of function. We can provide real relief to our patients because we target the underlying cause of this condition. We understand that healing may take time, which is why we are dedicated to alleviating our patients’ pain beginning with their first plantar fasciitis chiropractic appointment.

Plantar Fasciitis Techniques We Provide

Although every patient’s care is individualized, there are a few common therapies that we find to be beneficial for plantar fasciitis. All of these have been substantiated by research and have improved our patients’ mobility as well as reduced their pain.

Comprehensive Foot Function and Pain Evaluation

Life Source Chiropractic offers a wide variety of interventions; however, every patient consultation starts with a thorough foot function assessment. Because the feet are so intricate, it is imperative that we obtain all possible information concerning each patient’s well-being through physical examination, nerve and movement analysis, and diagnostic imaging if necessary. Acquiring this information helps us to provide our patients with targeted care for any mechanical, neurological, or pathological factors contributing to their foot pain.

It is critical to thoroughly investigate each patient’s pain. Therefore, we carefully evaluate every patient’s level of pain by inquiring about the intensity and sensation of it, such as dull, burning, or stabbing. We also work to pinpoint any factors that irritate or relieve it. This evaluation enables us to successfully address the source of plantar fasciitis pain in order to provide both quick relief and long-lasting solutions.

Hands-On Plantar Fasciitis Chiropractic Therapies

Chiropractic adjustments help to eliminate spinal misalignment. This allows for optimal functioning throughout the entire body, including the plantar fascia. While most people are aware of hands-on adjustment of the spine, spinal manipulation is not the only therapy we use to address plantar fasciitis. Most people are unaware that we can correct alignment in any part of the body, including the feet. Many patients get relief when we restore proper alignment in the feet because the pressure on the plantar fascia is reduced.

Individualized Lifestyle Interventions

Life Source Chiropractic offers a wide variety of interventions. However, the progress we make is useless if it is not followed by healthy lifestyle modifications. Because it has been proven that additional weight makes plantar fasciitis pain worse, we focus our efforts on assisting our patients to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. This may include a customized meal plan full of nutrient-dense, plant-based foods that help maximize energy with a minimal amount of calories.

In addition to nutrition, exercise is a great way to increase energy and metabolism. For this reason, it is essential to incorporate gentle movement into our care plans. We may prescribe a specific sequence of exercises that are intended to help stretch the plantar fascia. This enables it to handle stress without further tearing from the heel bone.

An internet search for “plantar fasciitis treatment near me” may not communicate the importance of stretching the calf and foot muscles as well as the Achilles tendon. It may also not emphasize the importance of maintaining good posture.

Other Plantar Fasciitis Care Options

In addition to chiropractic and lifestyle adjustments, we may also recommend orthotic shoe inserts to decrease tension on the foot and prevent additional injury to the plantar fascia. These inserts protect and cushion the foot from the painful impact of each step while also supporting the arch to keep the plantar fascia from further stretching and allowing it to heal.

Another proven technique to address plantar fasciitis is to tape the affected foot. This requires a cotton athletic tape that can be easily found in the athletic support section at most local retail stores or pharmacies. The foot must be wrapped each morning before you begin your day, and it must be removed each night before bed.

Visit Our Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Chiropractor

If you suffer from any foot-related issue, such as plantar fasciitis, you understand the pain it can cause and how it can limit your activity. Our plantar fasciitis chiropractor wants you to get the most out of your plantar fasciitis treatment. The sooner you call, the more we can do to help, so give Life Source Chiropractic a call to make an appointment for a thorough plantar fasciitis consultation today.