Decompression Therapy Bennington, NE
(402) 934-4220
An Overview of Decompression Therapy
Life Source Chiropractic is delighted to introduce Decompression Therapy, a treatment method that has proven remarkably effective for numerous health issues. Whether your health struggle includes degenerative, bulging, herniated or ruptured discs, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, or complications stemming from failed back surgery, Decompression Therapy could be the solution you’ve been searching for.
The advantage of Decompression Therapy over surgical procedures is clear: it eliminates the dangers linked with anesthesia, potential failed back surgery, and surgical complications. This offers a more natural and safer path for our Bennington patients.
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Advantages of Decompression Therapy
Numerous clinical studies have revealed that the majority of eligible patients observe considerable pain reduction after only a few sessions of Decompression Therapy. This scientifically validated, non-surgical method presents an effective solution to directly address chronic pain, sciatica, and disc problems.
Furthermore, Decompression Therapy is a procedure that many insurance providers cover. If you’re ready to discover the relief you’ve been pursuing, get in touch with Life Source Chiropractic to learn how Decompression Therapy can work for you.
Conditions That Can Be Effectively Managed by Cervical and Lumbar Decompression Therapy
Explanation of How Spinal Decompression Therapy Works
By alleviating pain, decreasing inflammation in the spine, and reestablishing spinal motion, Decompression Therapy treats the fundamental cause of your discomfort. It generates negative pressures inside the bulging or herniated disc, allowing it to naturally retract. This reduces disc pressure on spinal nerves, providing pain relief.
Moreover, the reduction in disc pressure enables the natural movement of surrounding fluids, nutrients, and oxygen into the disc, promoting its health. Now, tears in the disc wall can heal themselves, and the reintroduction of nutrients can halt disc degeneration and restore disc height, relieving pressure on inflamed spinal joints.
What is the Required Number of Treatments?
Many patients perceive Decompression Therapy treatments to be soothing and even relaxing. For the most effective results, we typically suggest a series of 20-30 decompression therapy sessions, generally three times a week. Yet, the precise treatment plan will be personalized to your needs, as every spine is distinct.
Additional treatment methods, including Muscle Therapy, Deep Tissue Laser, Strength and Restoration Therapy, Stretching and Stability Exercises, and Moist Heat in conjunction with Chiropractic Specific Adjustments, may be used to diminish inflammation, improve range of motion, alleviate pain, expedite healing, enhance balance, and fortify supporting structures.
Spinal Decompression Therapy Is Backed by Clinical Studies
Several clinical studies back the effectiveness of Spinal Decompression Therapy. According to research by Gionis et al., among the 219 patients who underwent the therapy, 86% reported an immediate resolution of symptoms, and 84% continued to remain pain-free 90 days after the treatment. Upon physical examination, improvements were found in 92% of the patients, and 89% of these improvements persisted even 90 days post-treatment. Decompression Therapy has helped countless individuals avoid spinal surgery and resume their regular active lifestyle.
Our Chiropractor's Credentials in the KDT Decompression Technique™
Dr. Jason Wiese is certified in the advanced KDT Decompression Technique™. This extensive certification program, led by pioneers in the field of spinal decompression, has trained doctors across the globe. It covers crucial areas such as suitable patient selection, patient positioning, treatment duration, force to be applied, and related procedures. Thanks to this advanced training, Dr. Wiese is well-equipped to offer our Bennington patients the state-of-the-art Spinal Decompression Therapy they need.

Frequently Asked Questions About Decompression Therapy
A: The KDT Decompression Technique™ is a cutting-edge procedure in spinal decompression. Our chiropractor, Dr. Jason Wiese, is certified in this technique. It involves a specific set of protocols for patient selection, patient positioning, treatment duration, and force applied, all intended to provide the most beneficial treatment.
A: Decompression Therapy is generally experienced as a comfortable and relaxing treatment. It aims to alleviate, not cause, pain and numbness. While most patients don’t report any adverse side effects, individual experiences may differ. Dr. Wiese is always ready to address any concerns and answer your questions
A: Decompression Therapy works by creating negative pressure within the troublesome disc, facilitating its natural retraction. This reduces disc pressure on spinal nerves, thereby easing pain. Furthermore, the decrease in disc pressure initiated by Decompression Therapy allows the natural flow of surrounding fluids, nutrients, and oxygen, promoting healing and disc health for our patients at Life Source Chiropractic.
About Bennington, NE
Tucked away in Douglas County, Nebraska, lies the captivating town of Bennington. This hidden gem exudes an air of small-town charm, defined by its harmonious blend of rural tranquility and the vibrant energy of the nearby city, Omaha. Rich in cultural tapestry, Bennington stands out with its unique customs and traditions, all intricately woven into its way of life.
The town’s community spirit comes alive in the variety of events that dot its annual calendar. These range from neighborhood picnics to grand festive parades, each providing an intimate glimpse into the friendly and sociable nature of Bennington’s residents. The local attraction, Bennington Lake, serves as a perfect getaway for nature enthusiasts, offering a myriad of recreational activities from fishing to bird-watching.
Adding a historic charm to the town’s modern atmosphere, the downtown area is replete with well-preserved buildings that tell tales of Bennington’s past. The thriving local businesses, restaurants, and shops offer an array of unique experiences, encapsulating the town’s dedication towards nurturing its local community. As Life Source Chiropractic, our commitment remains firm in serving the residents of the dynamic city of Bennington, Nebraska.